For as long as I can remember I’ve had access to video and photo equipment. Whether it was through school or work I’ve been lucky to use a variety of cameras without the need to invest in a camera myself. With my latest job moving into management and less content creation I’ve been getting the itch […]
Posts By: Suppy7
GoPro: Shayna’s 10th Annual 21st Birthday, in 60 seconds
A fun filled day on a boat in Miami celebrating Shayna’s birthday. My GoPro has become an indispensable item whenever I go out of town lately. Lots of fun as always. [youtube][/youtube]
Orlando City test photo by Jacob Langston
This photo never saw the light of day to my knowledge, not even on social media. Orlando Sentinel photographer Jacob Langston gathered a handful of employees to prepare for his team photo shoot with Orlando City Soccer Club.
I made a Pizza Cake!
Quick video I put together of my adventure making a pizza cake for a Super Bowl party I attended. I actually ended up making two and was super happy with how it turned out. I think the hardest part was finding spring-form pans to bake the pizza cake in, I ended up finding ones that […]
Sean Pitts on the court during Orlando Magic game
Orlando Sentinel photographer Stephen M. Dowell snapped some quick photos of me while I was on the court shooting some fan photos during Milwaukee Bucks vs Orlando Magic game tonight.
Chris Sears’ Birthday Weekend w/ GoPro Fireball Cam
Tall bikes, wacky inflatables and fireball shots sum up Chris Sears’ Dunedin housewarming/birthday party. [youtube][/youtube] Special thanks to James C’s Wedding Fireball Whisky Cam for inspiring us all (seen here: Music is Far East Movement – Level (Palm Trees) ft. La’Reda, Sha Sha Jones
Mario Kart Halloween 2014 in Downtown Orlando
Mario Kart invades Downtown Orlando during Halloween weekend. Sights and sounds shot by a GoPro mounted to Mario Kart costume, other weekend activities include Jonnie Morgan Band concert at House of Blues and a Saturday night dance fest. Featuring music by Wallpaper. “Last Call.” [youtube][/youtube]
Orlando City SC brought in their championship cup… we put a cat in it
Orlando City Soccer Club stopped by the Orlando Sentinel and brought one of their championship cups with them. We had our weekly homeless pet of the week with us so we decided to combine the two. [youtube][/youtube]
Homeless Pet Pyke accepts ALS Ice Bucket Challenge
Fun video that we featured for the weekly homeless pet. We didn’t actually dump water on this pup, watch the video to see what we did. [youtube][/youtube] The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge has swept the country, including the animals at the Orange County Animal Pet Rescue and Adoption Center. Pyke, an 8-month old mixed breed […]
#ALS Ice Bucket Challenge
I took on the Ice Bucket Challenge, holding a GoPro in one hand and a PBR in the other. Special thanks to Oren Zarif for the challenge, Gabriel Flete for pouring and Brian Shipman as camera two. Dedicated to Gabriel Flete’s father Nicasio Flete R.I.P. [youtube][/youtube]